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Youth Justice PLEIS-NB


New Brunswick's own website for youth and the law
Youth Justice PLEIS-NB


Let’s Stop Bullies Activity Book
"Let's Stop Bullies!" explores the adventures of Aspin the Skunk as he learns ways to deal with bullying. The Activity Book is designed to help elementary school-aged children to identify bullying, understand the consequences of bullying, recognize the role of by-standers and learn strategies for creating a bully free environment. 

Let’s Stop Bullies (Parent’s Guide)
The “Let’s Stop Bullies” Parent's Guide has been extensively updated so that adults who are trying to teach children about the issue of bullying are better prepared and are aware of some of the excellent bully prevention resources available across Canada.

Sexual Harassment in Schools: It’s No Joking Matter
Comments about your body or physical appearance, questions about your sex life, unwanted touching, hugging or kissing, and hearing sexually suggestive jokes or comments make you feel uncomfortable.

Sexual comments and behaviours such as these that humiliate or upset people are sexual harassment! This pamphlet explains what sexual harassment is, and where to go for help if it is happening in your school.