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Youth Justice PLEIS-NB


New Brunswick's own website for youth and the law
Youth Justice PLEIS-NB


Booklets & Pamphlets

Youth Have Rights!: Youth Justice in New Brunswick Workbook
The purpose of this workbook is to provide youth with some basic information and activities to promote discussion around youth justice topics. It contains quizzes, activities, and a list of definitions for some of the terms used in PLEIS-NB publications on youth justice.

Consequences of a Youth Record
A youth record is a record of a young person’s involvement in Canada’s youth justice system. A youth record can haunt a young person for many years, even after they become an adult. This booklet explains some of the reasons why a youth record might linger, and what a youth can do about it.

In Trouble with the Law: Youth Rights
Do you know your rights?  Even if you have never been involved in a crime or accused of a crime, it is important for you to know your rights.  This booklet can help give you a general overview of the rights for 12-17 year olds under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Youth, Drugs and the Law

Supporting Youth with Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System
If you know of a young person with a disability going through the justice system, this pamphlet lists some ways you can support them. Parents, teachers, social workers, youth group leaders, and anyone else who spends time with youth can make a difference. Whether the youth is accused of a crime or is the witness or victim of one, these tips can help.

Vulnerable Victims of Crime: Making it Easier to Testify in Court
Participating in the criminal justice system can be a traumatic or frightening experience for any victim of crime.  This is especially true for children and other vulnerable persons.  This pamphlet discusses new protections that have been added to make it easier to testify in court.

Picture This: A Guide to the Criminal Justice System
Parents, guardians, and support people can use this handbook to help explain the court system to a victim or witness of a crime who has an intellectual disability. It may also be useful for people who are working with children or those with low literacy skills.

Picture This: Helper's Guide
To assist people who are using the Picture this handbook, we have produced this “Helper’s Guide” to accompany the handbook. It is intended to provide information and tips on how to make good use of the handbook.

Portage: My Rights at Portage Atlantic

You Are Not Alone: A Parent's Guide to Helping Youth Victims of Crime
This guide is a companion to the DVD You are Not Alone – Be supported through difficult times. The DVD is a dramatization of the ways Victim Services can assist teen victims dealing with the typical concerns teens have when they are expected to testify  in court. This guide will provide helpful tips, information and resources for parents supporting a child who has been the victim of a crime.

You Are Not Alone: Tips for Teen Victims
This pamphlet contains an overview of the tips and information in the video You Are Not Alone – Being supported through difficult times. Visit the website www.gnb.ca/publicsafety or contact a Victim Services Coordinator in your area to view the video.

Snapshot of Programs and Services for Youth
This publication is a ‘’snapshot’’ of programs and services for youth in New Brunswick. It is not intended to be an exhaustive directory of all programs and services.

Let's Stop Bullies: Activity book

Let's Stop Bullies: A Guide for Parents and Other Adults

Teens and Dating: Tips for keeping abuse out of your relationship

Sexual Harassment in Schools: It's No Joking Matter  
Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a person has crossed the line from flirting or teasing to harassing you. The line between teasing and sexual harassment often has to do with the circumstances. These circumstances may include: whether other people are around; why the person is doing it; and how it makes you feel.

Understanding and Preventing Abuse: A Workbook for Aboriginal Youth  
The purpose of the workbook is to help guide discussion around dating violence and family violence issues from the perspective of teenagers. You can find the answer keys to the exercises in this workbook at www.thehealingjourney.ca.

YJ Fact Sheets

Supporting Youth
Risk Factors


Teens and Dating: Keep Abuse Out of Your Relationship

How Old Do I Have to Be in New Brunswick?

Youth Justice: How do you fit in?

Do You Know Your Rights?